Road accidents are not uncommon. At one point in your life, you will get to see motor vehicle accidents while driving. Read further and know how to help in a road crash and understand the importance of taking first aid courses.
You are heading off to work, the traffic crawling slowly. And then you pass-by a mangled mess of automobile parts – a road crash. You know some people are hurt, and you notice there are no emergency personnel or concerned citizen yet on the scene. Should you pullover and help?
Thank god if you answered “yes.” However, there are a few things that you need to consider when deciding whether to help in a road crash.
Here are several things to consider:
– Are there emergency response vehicles headed to the scene of accident? If so, it may be best to leave the situation to the professionals.
– Has anyone alerted the local emergency services or 911? If there is no one around and you believe no one has called up 911, do so. Provide information about the incident such as its location, number of injured persons, injuries sustained, and other services that you think is needed. Do not hang up unless you are told to do so.
– Do you have adequate training? Taking up a first aid course is strongly encouraged to develop proper skills. Aside from your local St Mark James, there are a lot of training providers that offer courses.
– Is the scene safe? Look around if there are any clear hazards around the scene of accident. Pull over and turn the flashers on. It prevents traffic buildup and gives protects you while providing first aid. If you have other occupants in your vehicle, take them to a safe place.
– Do you have kids in your car? If so, let others help and ensure the safety of your children.
– Do you have appropriate supplies/equipment to provide effective first aid? Having a well-stocked car first aid kit can ensure proper emergency care.
– Are there other people helping at the scene? If so, coordinate with whoever seems to be leading the rescue efforts. Usually, the person with the most experience and training is identified as the leader. Coordinate with the appointed leader and let him know how you can help, example, you have completed basic first aid training program.
– If directing traffic, make sure to that you are highly
visible and that you stay in a safe location, out of actual path of vehicles. If using or planning to use road flares, make sure you know and follow the safety precautions.
Surely, there are a lot of things to think, but thinking before acting can help prevent another major accident. Your personal safety is always on top of anything else.