All pet owners strive to keep their companions safe. Even though you may try to keep your cat from harm’s way, accidents can still happen. Apart from getting hurt, the pet can fall ill unexpectedly. Knowledge in cat first aid comes in handy in such an event.
Be aware that first aid does not constitute professional care so veterinary treatment will still be required for successful recuperation. There are three main reasons as to why cat first aid is vital:
- It alleviates suffering for the animal.
- It prevents worsening of the situation.
- It promotes quick recovery.
Cats lack the ability of explaining to their owners the problems they’re facing. Therefore, it will be up to you to read any distress signs the pet may be displaying. Tread carefully to avoid causing more harm than good.
The first step in first aid for cats ought to be checking of vital signs. This will provide more insight on what the animal is experiencing. These signs are placed under three categories:
- Temperature- A healthy cat should have temperature ranging from 100.4’F to 102.5’F.
- Pulse- A relaxed cat normally has pulse rate ranging from 160 to 240 pm.
- Respiration- This should range from 20 to 30 beats per minute.
Remember to stay calm when administering first aid so that the cat does not panic. When you’re unsure of yourself, the cat will sense your fear. There is only one way of being prepared. This is by having cat first aid kit ready. These are the essential components you need to have:
- Waterproof box that will act as storage for all other first aid items. Select a box that has a handle for easier handling and transportation.
- Sharp tweezers for removing any small objects that may get lodged into the cat’s body.
- Digital thermometer for taking the cat’s temperature. If the cat is struggling to breath, do not attempt to take temperature.
- Hydrogen Peroxide for cleansing wounds. However, be sure to use only small amounts of this ingredient when administering cat first aid.
- Cotton balls for padding the wounds.
- A list of the medication that your cat normally takes. For cats suffering from chronic illnesses, note dosages to be ingested and follow the vet’s directions.
- A first aid book for cats. Ensure that you read the contents of the book in order to familiarize yourself with different situations and how to handle them.
Important Tips:
- Before you start cat first aid, remove the collar of the cat.
- Clear the cat’s airways so that normal breathing can be restored. Remove all foreign materials from the mouth, throat and nose
- In case the cat is not breathing at all, perform CPR until the heart begins to pump blood once again.
- Use clean, sterilized equipment when tending to wounds to avoid further infection.
- For an unconscious cat, ensure that the head is in a lower position than the torso. Also, refrain from administering medication through the mouth of a cat that is unconscious.
Getting pet insurance is a great idea if you are the type of pet owner that will spare no exnespe if one of your pets becomes ill or gets in an accident. Veterinary Pet Insurance Co. (VPI) is the oldest and largest provider of pet insurance in the U.S. and wrote our first policy back in 1982 to television’s Lassie! Since then we’ve seen a lot of other pet insurance companies come and go, but we’ve managed to succeed by providing our customers with the most coverage for the least amount. The costs will depend on a number of factors any extras you might like to add such as cancer riders, wellness coverage, etc. You can get a quick and easy quote on our website and you would also qualify for a 5% multi-pet discount.To give you an idea of how pet insurance works, this would be the process if you were to file a claim with VPI:1. Visit Any Veterinarian you can visit any licensed veterinarian worldwide. Simply pay for treatment at the time of service.2. Submit Your Claim Fax or mail your claim form along with your invoices.3. Receive Reimbursement After meeting your policy’s deductible, you are reimbursed according to your plan’s benefit schedule allowance or the eligible invoice amount, whichever is less.With veterinary medicine becoming more advanced, it is also becoming more expensive, and many pet owners struggle with paying the resulting bills. With pet insurance, you still pay the bill, but you are then reimbursed a portion of the costs. VPI reimburses based on a benefit schedule which takes the guesswork out of figuring out what’s covered by telling exactly how much will be covered for any condition or accident. I hope that helps and good luck! Was this answer helpful?