Fact Checked
Elevate Head Above Body
- A cough is essentially your body’s way of reacting to irritations in your airway and throat.
- If the cough is triggered by sinuses affecting your throat, elevating your head at a higher level in relation to your body will prevent fluid from gathering in the back of your throat.
- This may decrease the amount of coughing you experience.
Don’t Sleep On Your Back
- Research has revealed that sleeping on the back intensifies the danger of sleep paralysis, asthma, and stroke.
- The blood levels lower when sleeping on your back, therefore, putting extra weight on your lungs.
- Lying on your belly might help decrease coughing but then you will be placing pressure on your internal organs which is also not suggested. The best way is to sleep on your side.
Sleeping After Meals
- Coughing at night usually occurs because of acid re-flux, in which the intestinal acids go back through the food pipe and into the throat.
- This causes a person to cough due to a blockage in the throat.
- Going to sleep soon after your meals might activate the re-flux. Acid reflux is an another reason why you mustn’t consume big meals before bedtime.
Clean Pillows And Sheets
- Make sure your room doesn’t have any dust. Direct contact to allergens like dust or pet hairs can cause coughing during the night.
- When inhaling oxygen, the allergens aggravate the breathing tract and your body then collects saliva in the tract to fight those allergens.
- The accumulation of saliva in your throat when you are lying down results in coughing.
Extra Water
- When you feel the need to cough, take a mouthful of water.
- Also stay away from drinks filled with sugar, coffee or tea before you go to sleep. This might exacerbate your problem.