Seeing as the science behind different first aid tricks have continued to improve over the years, it makes sense for anyone trained in first aid to keep abreast with the changes of the same. Listed top in this list is the essence of CPR tricks. CPR revolves around the attempt of resuscitating a person who, for whatever reason, has stopped breathing and/or their heart has stopped beating. CPR, in full cardio pulmonary resuscitation, is an important aspect of first aid training, and for obvious reason. If you have to do CPR successfully, there are a number of tricks that you will have to employ. Listed below are a number of them that will help you make better choices should you be faced with the need to administer CPR arise.
i) If you have done CPR, whether online training or a hands-on approach, you may be well familiar with the following: 15 compressions, 2 breaths, head tilts, jaw thrusts and pulse checking. Add to this the fact that compression in adults is pegged at 2.5 inches while in children it is pegged at 1 inch and it becomes clear why this seems to be complicated for a number of people. The good news is that with revisions made on this front, CPR is not a complicated procedure.
In 2010, the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation, abbreviated ILCOR carried out reviews on various studies and come up with a few amendments following the results obtained from the reviews, a number of which are incorporated into the CPR tricks we know today. . Among these amendments was that breathing need not be included as a prerequisite to giving proper CPR. This led to the creation of a new technique aptly referred to as hands only CPR. This form of CPR, just as the name suggests, eliminates the need of carrying out rescue breaths so that the first aider only needs to look into two factors: is the victim conscious, and are they exhibiting normal breathing? If the answer to the two questions above is negative, then CPR must be provided immediately.
ii) The reason why you need not provide rescue breaths as mentioned in the CPR tricks above is that according to studies carried out by ILCOR, when an individual goes into cardiac arrest, there functionality of the brain is not eliminated. Consequently, it becomes important to channel these efforts to resuscitation of the victim.
iii) These CPR tricks are replicated when the professional medical team arrives at the scene. This goes to show you the important role of CPR in the absence of breathing. In fact, breathing is only suggested when compressions and the use of ADE is complete. ADE makes reference to a small gadget that is used to sent shock waves to the heart in a bid to restore its natural rhythm.
Using these CPR tricks will go a long way in creating awareness of the importance of CPR as well as improving the success rate of the same.