What is Rape
Rape is something no one wants to experience but it happens anyway. You may be asking what rape has to do with first aid. Well, first aid is the first medical response to any accident or incident that might cause harm to a person. Before looking at what must be done, one must be able to identify who a rape victim is and what is classified as rape. Rape is any sexual act done to a person without their consent. It is considered rape when the consent is given by duress such as physical force, abuse of position and authority, coercion and the use of a weapon. It is considered rape when the person is unable to give legitimate consent whether due to drugs, age, unconsciousness or mental capacity.
There are many different types of rape, below are some examples.
1) Date Rape
This is rape that is carried out with use of drugs.
2) Marital Rape
Also called spousal rape, it is any sexual act carried out by the victims spouse without their consent.
3) Gang Rape
This is characterized by the victim being assaulted by more than one rapist.
4) Statutory Rape
This occurs when an adult commits a sexual act with a person under the age of consent.
5) Familial Rape
This is carried out by member of victim’s family.
6) Child Molestation
This is any type of abuse that is done to a child to bring sexual pleasure to the rapist; penetration does not need to occur.
7) Prison Rape
This is rape that occurs in prison.
8) War Rape
Rape carried out during war by soldier to civilians. It also includes sex slavery but does not include rape done within a military force.
Here are some observation that could mean a person has been raped
1) Victim is crying or in shock
2) Torn or bloody clothes
If you come upon someone in this state, immediately call for emergency help and do not allow them to have a bath. After the rape as occurred there are three stages of trauma that the victim will go through. There is no set time duration or behaviour for any of the stages as it varies with the individual. However there are some behaviour that are common to each stage.
1) Acute Stage
First couple weeks or days after the attack, the victim will exhibit:
a) An obsessive need to make themself clean by washing and scrubbing themselves
b) Highly sensitized to another’s touch, the victim will react strangely when touched
c) Feelings of
i. Numbness
ii. Disorientation
iii. Anxiety
iv. Hysteria
v. Confusion
vi. Bewilderment
d) Nausea
e) Vomiting
2) The outward adjustment stage
Victims will return a normal lifestyle, this stage usually last anywhere from a couple months to years. The victim will try to cope by
a) Downplaying their feelings
b) Talks nonstop about the rape
c) Pretending it didn’t happen
d) Trying to understand why and how this happen
e) Changing location, moving to another community, state or even country
Sometimes the victim will be unable to cope and will crack, causing mood swings, panic attack, flashbacks and nightmares.
Victims in this stage question their sexuality and have difficult forming sexual relationship. While some might become promiscuous to prove that they control their body. Victim might turn to drugs or suicide to block the memory and pain. Suicide is more common for gang rapes than individual rape.
3) Normalization
Victim starts accepting that the rape has happened, getting rid of guilt and shame, and stops blaming themselves for what happened.
How to treat victims
There are specialised centres that deal with rape victims, being a first aider your first responsibility is to ensure that the victim is not injury in any way. Take the victim to the police or the hospital to report the rape. Never leave the victim alone and continue to reassure the victim. Victim should be given pregnancy and STD prevention pills.
How rapes can be prevented
1) Never walk in an isolated or poorly lit area alone
2) Carry an alarm or whistle that can get you attention when you are being attacked if you do not have one shout and scream for help
3) Secure room or doors by locking them properly
4) Never hitchhike,
5) If vehicle is broken down stay in car with windows and doors closed and call for help
6) Take self-defense classes, even without training fight back
7) When on public transport sit close to the driver and avoid sitting near strange men or groups of men
8) Always be aware of your surroundings
9) Do not park car in poorly lit areas. Always check backseat of car before entering and always close the door as soon as you enter the car
10) If you are going home alone call someone and let them know when you are leaving, what route you are taking and how long you should take.
Remember it is NEVER the victims fault.
Rape: All you need to know and more
Fact Checked
Not only suhlod women know what they DON’T WANT, but they also suhlod explore their freedom to discover what they DO WANT. By buying into the societal norm that, sexually, only males can make the first move, women give up their power. And, unconsciously become sexual submissives, which indirectly plays into the rape culture in which we find ourselves.