How to Handle Dog Vomiting the correct way

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Dogs usually vomit for numerous reasons. It may be because the dog has eaten too much or something that it should not. However, dog vomiting should not always be taken lightly as it can be an indication of a far much worse situation. Toxic substances ingested and various illnesses can lead to vomiting.

What Are the Causes of Sudden Vomiting in Dogs?

·         Bacterial infection that normally takes place inside the intestines.

·         Change of diet, garbage ingestion and food intolerance may all lead to dog vomiting scenarios.

·         When foreign bodies such as bones and toys get stuck in the intestines, vomiting is bound to occur.

·         Parasites that live inside the dog’s intestines usually cause stomach upsets.

·         When there is severe kidney or liver failure.

·         When there is inflammation of the gall bladder.

·         Nausea experienced after an operation procedure has been performed on the animal.

·         Viral infections from other sick dogs that they tend to spend plenty of time with.

·         Dog vomiting also occurs when the pet ingests anesthetic agents or medication that disagrees with the stomach.

Vomiting in dogs is not a chronic condition so when it occurs regularly, this can be as a result of cancer, systemic illness, severe constipation or stomach inflammation.

What Should Be Done for Frequent Dog Vomiting?

An isolated case of vomiting in dogs is not a cause for concern. Nevertheless, the case is usually more serious when the vomiting is frequent and is usually a sign of parvovirus, intestinal obstruction and colitis. Take the dog to a vet when the vomiting can no longer be categorized as occasional.

What Are the Other Symptoms?

Vets agree that the process of obtaining the correct diagnosis with regards to a vomiting dog is complex indeed. This is why the owner of the pet needs to provide all relevant information to the vet. Be on the lookout for:

The frequency of the condition. In the event that the dog only vomits once and is back to normal, this can be classified as an isolated case.

Dehydration. When the dog drinks too much, check whether it has also been vomiting without your knowledge.

Diarrhea and lethargy.

Weight loss. This is usually evident after a few days the vomiting starts.

Loss of appetite. Dog vomiting is a case that affects the appetite of the animal making it unable even to enjoy his best treats.

 When Should You See the Vet?

When you notice these symptoms, this is the best time to see the vet. A dog that vomits several times in one day should be taken to the vet immediately.

What Are the Treatment Options?

In general, there are numerous treatment options available. The most common that will keep dog vomiting under control are: Diet change, antibiotics and fluid therapy. Some pet owners also use home remedies but these are only short-term treatment options that are meant to prevent the condition from agitating. Always follow through the prescribed treatment plan for the desired results to be visible.

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