Overview Of Spider Bites
Spider bites are just as toxic as snake bites, but not all of them are harmful to people. Though, a few types of spiders, like the Black Widow are deadly and can cause a severe health hazard. A Black Widow bite can cause long-term tissue damage and other health problems.
Treating Spider Bites
- Detecting the type of spider would be the primary step. A few spider bites need anti-venom and others need treatment. Detecting the spider could help you select the correct method to follow.
- Doesn’t matter if it is a nontoxic or poisonous spider bite; use soap and water to rinse the infected region. Put on some antiseptic cream if you have available.
- Use an ice pack for a standard spider bite. If the pain is unbearable use some painkillers such as ibuprofen. Look for any signs of an allergic reaction, skin rashes, illnesses or fever. If any of these symptoms take place, phone your doctor.
Spider bites are toxic but not all of them are harmful to people. Though, a few types of spiders, like the Black Widow are deadly and can cause a severe health hazard. - If bitten by a poisonous spider, apply a tight dressing on top of the bite, if the bite is on the legs or arms, make sure the venom doesn’t spread. A tight bandaging cuts the flow of blood, stopping the spread of the poison to other parts of the body. If other body parts are bitten, cover the region with a cold cloth until you get access to proper medical facilities.
- If you recognize the spider bite as poisonous, phone for the ambulance immediately. Poisonous spider bites involve hospitalization.
Healing Time For Spider Bites
It can take about 3 weeks or even more for spider bites to heal fully. During the early stages, the wound might not seem like it is healing, but if the size of the bite is not increasing, it is in the early stage of the healing process. Blisters and scabs can form around the bite which also is a sign of the healing process.
Poisonous bites can take over a month to heal; if the situation is not worsening, stay calm. During the healing process, don’t peel the dead skin as this might aggravate the condition and add to the healing time.
Warnings Regarding Spider Bites
Don’t give aspirin to kids; use other over the counter medications, after speaking to the pharmacist, in order to reduce pain.