Emergency First Aid for Bumps and Bruises

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Ice packs are a great way to treat bruises and bumps.

In the home settings, there are a number of ways that many can end up with bumps and bruises. They come due to the little or major accidents that we get involved in. A simple fall, knock on the furniture or banging the head on the wall may all result in a bump and bruise. The information posted on this page on haematoma’s, bumps, bruises and other injuries is for learning purposes only. If you have a serious injury consult a physician. To learn to recognize and manage severe injuries and wounds register for first aid training with a credible American or Canadian provider near you.

What Causes Bumps and Bruises?

Bumps and bruises are developed by an individual when he or she gets trauma to the body that breaks the capillaries near the skin. The broken capillaries then let blood flow into the surrounding tissues, thereby creating the bump. The bump can also be as a result of the bodily reaction to the bruise which in itself is an injury. A bruise is medically termed as a contusion. The extent of bruises depends a lot with age. The kind of trauma that can easily cause a bruise in an elderly person may not have much impact on a younger person. The body treats the bruises by absorbing the spilled blood back into the circulatory system hence the fading of color as it heals. Normally a bruise may appear worse than it actually is or feels. When it occurs, there are a number of measures that can be taken to ensure faster treatment and healing.

Treating Bumps and Bruises

Many parents cannot stand the sight of their children getting an injury. This is only made worse if the injury causes a swelling. It should be noted that the swelling that comes with the bruises is a defense mechanism of the body. To keep the situation under control, one will need to;

  • Offer treatment to the bruise and bump as soon as possible. This should be through the use of ice packs for twenty minutes at a time for the initial twenty four hours. There should be thirty minute breaks between the uses of ice packs on the bruise.
  • Use paracetamol to relieve the pain. This should be within the stipulated limits of dosage.
  • Ensure a lot of rest for the victim with minimal movement.

As explained before, a number of bruises simply fade away on their own after some time. However, one can help with the healing process through minimizing the bruise and offering treatment. Many treat bruises through this simple first aid process;

  • Use of ice. Ice is used to suppress the swelling and stop the leaking of blood into the tissues from the broken capillaries. One should however not apply the ice directly to the skin. He should ensure that the ice is placed in a clean piece of cloth before applying onto the bruise. Apply the ice for ten minutes each time.
  • Keep applying the ice in intervals of thirty minutes for twenty four hours.
  • Elevate the bruised part. This is done by ensuring that the victim gets to lie down on a flat surface and if possible, use pillows to raise the bruised limb to a position above the heart.
  • Heat will be applied to the bruised part to help clear the collected blood. This application of heat is done after twenty four hours of the bruise. The heat is applied for ten to twenty minutes at a time.
  • Rest. A lot of rest will ensure better chances of fast recovery.

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