By definition, hands-only CPR refers to CPR techniques that do not involve mouth-to-mouth contact. CPR- cardiac pulmonary resuscitation- is a life-saving technique that comes in handy following the blockage of the airway or during major circulatory emergencies such as cardiac arrest. The importance of this technique cannot be overestimated when you consider that at least a quarter of all Americans have been in a situation where a person was in need of CPR. Should you be caught up in such a scenario would you be aware of what to do? This article gives insight on what to do when there is need for CPR, and how one can carry out the procedure. As far as hands-only CPR is concerned, there is training available for medical professionals as well as individuals who are interested in this form of first aid / CPR.
What does training in this form of CPR entail?
The training can be done at St Mark James Training centers in the respective countries that individuals are located in. The advantage of doing so is that one gets certified in the administration of CPR as a first aid technique. In addition to this, one also gets to learn about how to use Automated External Defribillators (abbreviated AEDs). When training is completes, students can get hard copies of reference material that shows step-by-step procedures of this technique.
Details pertaining to hands-only CPR
As mentioned above, this form of CPR does not involve any mouth contact with the patient. Consequently, it is ideal in cases where a person has collapsed suddenly. It is also very suitable for setups outside the hospital as it significantly increases the chances of surviving such medical emergencies. You may be wondering how this CPR technique is different from full CPR. In the latter, rescue breaths (provided by way of mouth to mouth contact) are accompanied by chest compressions. Full CPR is done on infants, victims of drowning as well as individuals who collapse following problems with normal breathing. Hands-only CPR on the other hand, provides chest compressions in the absence of rescue breaths. Both methods are effective, only that the methods of administration will differ.
Why is it important to learn this form of CPR?
Information obtained from hospitals has shown that the survival rates of cardiac arrests outside the setup of a hospital are very minimal. The interesting twist about it all is that the public at large gets to witness patients who get cardiac arrests, yet more often than not people are not well trained to respond well to such emergencies. It is for this reason that hands-only CPR techniques are advocated for by those in the medical field as one way to improve the survival rates following cardiac arrest. What’s more, studies indicate that people are more willing to perform hands-only CPR, even though full CPR remains the gold standard for such a procedure. People are fearful of providing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in events where they do not have protective equipment as a barrier device for fluid transmission between the rescuer and victim. In the end any CPR is better than doing nothing. As such, proper training gives anybody the confidence they need to administer such techniques.