Bird First Aid & Common Injuries

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A bird is a treasured pet. To maintain a safe environment for this kind of pet, it’s mandatory to learn more on what must be done. Bird first aid knowledge will definitely come in handy. You’ll be in a better position to make an informed decision when you know the dos and don’ts. This will help to keep the bird in shape before taking the pet to the veterinary.

Blood Feather Problem

When the blood feathers become broken or weak, the bird will bleed excessively. Weigh the bird each day to note the blood loss rate. The first aid for this condition is easy. Take flour and apply to the affected area using average pressure. This will create a blood clot that will stop the bleeding until you get to the vet.

Dog or Cat Attack

Beware that these two animals will not hesitate to hurt the bird during any available chance. After the attack, hold the bird in a peaceful manner to prevent additional stress. To administer bird first aid, you’ll need to inspect the pet for signs of broken bones, wings and bite wounds. Use gauze to wrap the bird to avoid more injury from occurring when going to the vet. Ensure that breathing is not restricted.

Breathing Trouble

If the bird is showing signs of suffocation, check nostrils. Blockage can occur from the outside or the inside. Wiping the nose using a damp piece of cloth can clear the nostrils of debris, dirt and other small particles. If the bird is panting, on the other hand, the situation could be as a result of temperature, exercise or fright. Place the bird on a damp towel to cool the temperature.


Bird first aid for burns entails soothing the affected spot using cold water. Let the water run for few minutes then dry softly. Birds that suffer from severe burns and/or exhibit signs of distress should be taken to the vet immediately.


When poisoning occurs as a result of harmful fumes, take the bird to an area with adequate ventilation. Bathe the pet if poisoning was due to contact with insecticides. It’s important to note the name of the toxin and if possible, carry its packaging to the veterinary.

What Should a Bird First Aid Kit Have?

A basic kit should have the following items:

The contact numbers of the veterinary clinic. Being able to call in advance before taking the bird in will ensure preparations are made before your arrival.

Numbers and directions to other emergency clinics. This is just in case your vet is unable to attend to your bird because of other emergencies.

Contact numbers of the poison control.

Styptic powder. It’s useful in stopping bleeding.

Scissors and sterile gauze

Antibiotic ointment

Clean towels

Syringe for administering medicine



In summary, further injury can easily be avoided when proper bird first aid steps are taken. After containing the situation, call the vet so that comprehensive treatment can be administered.

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