CPR classes are provided by hundreds of companies and providers throughout Canada. Classes are divided into four major level’s which include CPR level “A”, “B”, “C” and “HCP”. Finding the right provider in CPR Training Providers Locations that offers credible CPR classes can be a exhausting process. We have found providers all over Canada, from Vancouver to Halifax, that are the premier providers of CPR classes and credible certifications. All of the providers are partnered with St Mark James as they are the world renowned leaders of CPR training. Furthermore, all providers offer the most up-to-date CPR programs as mandated by the head of CPR studies and techniques (ILCOR). All of our St Mark James CPR class providers offer a variety of courses throughout the week and registration is incredibly simple and straight-forward. Our St Mark James CPR class training partners are in Ottawa, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Surrey, Regina, Calgary, Kelowna, Saskatoon and Edmonton. Click on your location for more information about CPR classes in your area.
CPR Training Convenience
Our St Mark James CPR providers are committed to offering the most convenient registration and classes. Class registration can be completed through a variety of different methods including, telephone, email or through on-line enrollment. The online enrollment program is easily the most popular and favored method of registration offered through our training partners. Another method that our CPR class providers ensure a high level of convenience is by having a number a large number of courses offered through a number of training centers throughout the week.
CPR Training Providers Locations
Our St Mark James CPR Training partners are located throughout Canada and are the premier providers in your region. We have providers in the following major Canadian municipalities.
British Columbia
Nova Scotia
Latest CPR Training
All of our training partners provide CPR classes that meet the highest standards and use the most up-to-date methods of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Visit our training partners to find more information about the latest CPR methods that are being taught.
Low Prices
Nobody beats the prices offered by our training partners. They are easily the lowest in the region.
Best CPR Class Instructors
All the instructors with our training providers receive exceptionally high customer reviews. They are patient, knowledgeable and experienced instructors.
Register for CPR classes and training in your area and build the skills to be able to save a life.