Factors That Increase a Cold

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Differing to what we were told as kids, damp hair does not cause a cold. Colds are essentially caused by more than 200 hundred viruses.

There are issues that can increase the possibility of getting the common cold. These factors consist of age, sleep deprivation, anxiety, smoking, and the time or season of the year.

Factors that Increase Colds


Differing to what we were told as kids, damp hair does not cause a cold. Colds are essentially caused by more than 200 hundreds viruses.
  • A cold is more dominant in babies and under-fives. Young kids are more susceptible because their immune systems haven’t developed and haven’t established resistance to viruses.
  • Young kids are normally surrounded by other kids. They are less likely to rinse their hands during the day—one of the best methods to avoid a cold—or they don’t place their hands in front of their mouths when sneezing or coughing.

Sleep Deprivation

  • In older kids and adults, sleep deprivation is believed to adversely affect the immune system.Research have found a connection between not getting sufficient sleep or not getting quality sleep and getting a cold.
  • Different people with different ages have various optimal stages for sleep. Adults should get about eight hours, teens nine to 10, and school-age kids might even need more than 10.


  • A cold is more widespread during cold months. During winter and fall, adults and kids are inside more often. This puts them in close vicinity to each other, which also escalates the risk of viruses that cause colds.
  • In places with no real winter climate, colds are more regular in the rainy season for this exact reason.
  • Dry air also exacerbates cold symptoms, dehydrating the mucous tissues in the nose and throat and causing a congested nose and painful throat.
  • Think about making use of a humidifier in your house or workplace to add some moistness to the air. Though, be sure to exchange the water every day and wash the machine regularly to avoid releasing microorganisms and mildew into the air.


  • Smoking unsettles the immune system, which is your body’s resistance to fight colds and viruses.
  • Smoking exposes you to noxious substances that can aggravate the throat lining and exacerbate your cold and lead to symptoms such as a raw throat. According to some research, smokers are also prone to develop severe breathing problems from the common cold.
  • Studies also display that second-hand smoke places individuals at a higher risk for colds as well. Kids and babies who live in homes where smoking is present are also at risk for severe respirational conditions, such as pneumonia and bronchitis.

Related Video on Colds

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